What Could Cost You Your Chances With a Filipina

Angel Garcia
5 min readSep 20, 2021


Do you want to understand Filipinas and women in general so you know where your chances lie with them?

Let’s say you’ve already found The One. Not a lot of people are lucky enough to do that and it’s understandable that you don’t want to blow it. You finally have a chance at a happy life so of course, you would do whatever it takes to make things work between you two.

There are plenty of ways to make a relationship work but for this article, we are going to be talking about things you might do that will ruin everything. You see, it’s the little things that destroy a relationship. So this is us helping you so you don’t end up screwing up and doing damage control.

Here are the mistakes:

1. When you don’t value the concept of family

Here’s the thing. Filipino people prioritize family above all else. You need to understand that some of their decisions in life are almost always influenced by family in one way or another. They build their careers for family and they make time for family. A lot of them even drop everything if one of their family members needs help.

So understand that if she sees how you treat your family, it’s going to reflect on how she views you as a man too. She will not take a liking to you anymore if she knows you treat your own parents in a very less-than-ideal way. Because if you could do that to them, then you might treat your future family in a similar manner.

And that’s a red flag for her.

The man she will marry has to be someone who is a family man. Someone who is not only capable of taking care of her but also takes care of her children. She will want a man who treats her parents with respect and her other relatives in the same manner.

2. When you stereotype her as submissive and docile

Uhm no. Filipinas, while friendly, aren’t docile or submissive. They are just super friendly and nice. Submissive though? She will not be afraid to fight you if she thinks you are being a jerk. When you disrespect her friends and family? She will not take that lying down. Watch out because some of them will talk you into submission if you go out of line with her.

While these women are raised to be polite and considerate, remember that they also grew up in a protective household. They know values, they know religion, they know how to act like a decent human being and they know how to take care of themselves.

There are some lines that you shouldn’t cross. And with a Filipina, you will find out right away what happens if you do.

Treat her like an equal. Treat her like a proper life partner and don’t throw your fetish at her. She can take care of you for life and love you until the end of time, yes, but she also has no patience for men who don’t know how to act like decent human being.

Bottom line: Be a gentleman. Don’t try to control her either.

3. When you have no career

Truth Bomb: Plenty of Filipinas will judge your marriageable qualities based on your financial status. It might seem sad, but if you really think about it, it’s a universal truth.

The Philippines is a developing country. Understand that a lot of the people there live in poverty and will do any means necessary to get out of it. And with a family that they want to feed and take care of, their determination to turn their lives upside down only grows fierce.

Some will marry for money. There are those that will marry for love and there are also those who marry for both. We humans aren’t always lucky so the majority of the women end up marrying men who only have their money as their redeeming quality.

So while she may genuinely love you, she is still going to assess just how financially secure you are. After all, how will she know you can take care of her and the future family you will have if you aren’t financially secure?

She’s also going to pull her own weight — at least most of them will — but knowing that you are just as reliable will ease her mind.

Important things you need to know about Filipinas

We’ve already explained how family is a very big part of the Filipino culture but there are other things you should be aware of now that you’re dating a Pinay.

  • The strong maternal instincts — Filipino women shine as wives, but they will impress you even more as mothers. A Filipino mother is a woman who knows the right balance between care and freedom. She creates an environment where her children’s creativity and talents thrive, but she also knows how to make their lives more comfortable and make them feel like the happiest kids in the world.
  • Their love for homemaking — A Filipino wife will make you want to come home from work as soon as possible so that you may spend more time in your spotlessly clean, artistically designed home, eating fresh handmade cuisine. Filipino women do not consider housework to be an inconvenient or time-consuming activity. Most of them seem to like it, and it’s safe to say they’re really good at it.
  • The proper priorities — In the Philippines, modern women are becoming more emancipated. Many of them are dissatisfied with their status as a wife and mothers, and the desire to accomplish more in life. When it comes down to it, though, a Filipino woman will always choose her family. She will attend to other aspects of her life only when she feels she has given enough to her loved ones.


You don’t need us to tell you how important communication is. But it’s best if you work on that if you’re having trouble talking to her.

If you’re the type to not know how to open up or talk, well you’re going to have to work on that. Lots of relationships fail because one is less likely willing to open up about something. Misunderstandings are so easy to trigger, especially between couples. Try to avoid triggering any by talking to her about anything and everything.

It could be about what you two will have for dinner, how your day has been, and so on. It could range from mundane things to very important issues that need to be addressed.

No one is perfect and relationships will bring out both the best and the worst in the person. That’s why working on it is necessary. And the fact that you’re here trying to look for tips on how to be a good lover is proof enough that you do care.

Regardless of any results that might happen, your effort will definitely be appreciated by her.



Angel Garcia
Angel Garcia

Written by Angel Garcia

Professional Matchmaker and Relationship Counselor. Meet your future bride in Manila Women https://manila-women.com/

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