Reasons Why Women Get Bored in a Relationship

Angel Garcia
5 min readJul 13, 2021


The honeymoon stage in your relationship doesn’t usually last.

You don’t stay with someone and feel those butterflies in your stomach for the rest of your time together because that’s just unrealistic.

At a certain point in our lives, we long to meet someone we’ll love and promise ourselves ultimate joy. However, love in real life will teach us that this isn’t how things work, at least not all the time.

According to Dr. Marisa Cohen, a relationship expert, it isn’t necessarily bad when the honeymoon stage fades away. When this happens, it’s a sign that you’re moving over to a crucial phase in your relationship, and that includes getting to know each other in a deeper sense.

When a partner feels bored in a relationship, most of the time, there are much more complicated things going on. It’s also a very telling sign that the person you’re with isn’t the right match for you.

That being said, the following are some factors that tend to lead women to find their partner or relationship boring:

  • Your communication skills could use some fixing and improvement.
  • They may not be as into you as you thought.
  • They aren’t ready to be serious with you.
  • Sadly, they lost their sense of self at some point in the relationship.
  • You spend too much time with each other.
  • They didn’t just lose their sense of self, but they’re also starting to ignore their feelings.
  • You don’t do exciting things anymore.
  • They might feel a need to start a new hobby to engage their sense of individuality.
  • You haven’t met their healthy expectations at some point.
  • Just when they thought they knew everything there was to know about you, all of a sudden, certain truths unravel out of nowhere.
  • They’ve set the bar too high.
  • Both of you don’t allow yourselves to be vulnerable enough in front of each other.
  • They want and are used to drama.

Things Women Find Boring

All of your days together don’t necessarily have to be thrilling for your relationship to maintain its excitement. Being aware of the mistakes and behaviors that lead to boredom will better prepare you to keep things lively and fun.

While most relationships start off with a burst of fireworks that don’t seem to end, it will eventually, and this becomes the turning point of everything that you thought to be so wonderful.

Realistic and mature women know that you’re responsible for your own happiness. However, they still have a tendency to feel unhappy and uninterested in your relationship.

Below are some things they find boring:

1. When you stop making an effort.

Once you think that your relationship will naturally go in a positive direction, you tend to stop putting in as much effort as you used to. However, you need to keep in mind that all relationships need consistent work for them to remain fulfilling and satisfying.

Stable relationship happiness is supposed to encourage you to do more instead of sitting back and watching things roll on their own. Take note that a relationship is an investment.

It is an investment of time, patience, love, and effort.

2. When you don’t have hobbies.

We all value happiness and self-satisfaction.

But when you’re in a relationship, one thing you shouldn’t lose is your sense of individuality. You and your partner don’t have to like the same things or do almost everything together because it will eventually lead to one of you losing yourselves.

As Dr. Josh Klapow stated, not having your own hobbies will make boredom bleed into your relationship, which will put unfair pressure on it.

3. When you don’t step out of your comfort zone.

You’ve become regular customers at a coffee shop because you always pick the same place when you want to spend time with each other. While there’s nothing bad about it, this eventually leads to boredom.

Your dates will become predictable instead of being spontaneous and fun enough. In the long run, your weekly coffee dates will feel like you’re doing it because you’ve been used to it and not exactly because you look forward to it.

4. When you don’t flirt with each other anymore.

Regardless of how long you’ve been together, flirting is one of the things that shouldn’t die down. Be playful if you want to. Do more activities that you seldom do or haven’t tried before, and it’ll help you flirt with each other in the most subtle way.

Women love to have fun with their partner. It’s not only the youngsters who can flirt. Every one of us can.

5. When you slowly neglect each other.

Checking out on women speaks volumes about the attention you give them. It shows that even though you know how they are, you still made the effort to ask. It makes them feel wanted.

Constantly doing this doesn’t make them feel alone, and even though you’re miles apart, your presence is always felt.

6. When you expect boredom to go away on its own.

Monotony in a relationship is a bitter foe.

You and your partner can sense that you’re both starting to get bored in the relationship. But when you secretly hope for it to pass while doing nothing, it will just continue to affect you.

One thing you ought to keep in mind is that it never magically goes away.

Put down everything that’s been distracting you and give more time and attention to each other. Rekindle what you used to have and you’ll see the reason why it’s worth staying together.

Keeping Love Alive and Having Fun

Who’s to say that you don’t need to have fun just because you’re both mature adults? And who’s to say that being together with someone for a long time requires no effort?

Our love varies in depth.

We all love someone differently and to a particular extent, but no matter how true this is, it won’t change the fact that all relationships require work.

Getting your significant other to say yes to being in a relationship with you shouldn’t be your end goal. The possibility of lifetime happiness and stable commitment is on the line.

The time you spend together is an opportunity for you to make each other feel loved and for your relationship to become a fulfilling one.



Angel Garcia

Professional Matchmaker and Relationship Counselor. Meet your future bride in Manila Women